Monday, December 19, 2016

English languages challenges.

Hi dear bloggers, today I'll speak about my english language's challenges. 

First of all, I want to tell you about how I'm learning english at the university. In Antumapu it includes English A1, A2, B1, B1+. These subjects help me to understand, to hear and to read in a good way but I don't like them because they weren't personalized enough and I am not good for English at all so I think that I may need more classes like that.

I need to improve my English skills, the pronunciation and the grammar. I hope to assist to a Britsh Institute because I think I need personalized help. My skills in this language are very deficient, and I think it is because I didn't pay attention when I was in the school. When I finish the university I hope to go to a very good British Insitute to learn as much as I could about this language, because this topic essential in the professional life.

I wanted to learn about this since when I was little because I used to listen to music in english and I didn't understand what the singers were saying. When I grew up and I started to finally learn about this, I realized I wasn't very good at it.

In the last two years I've been trying to study as much as I can in order to be a very complete professional but I think that I need to speak in english if I wanted to go to somewhere out of Chile.

Well bloggers, nice to have met you.


Changes to my study program.

Hi dear bloggers, today I'll speak about changes to my study program. My study program is very good, have many basics subjects, Math I, II and III, Biochemistry, Biophysics, English A1, A2, B1, B1+, and other subjects more complex how Design and evaluation of forestry instrudy proyects and training and evaluation of conservation and protection projects. The workload is high, everyday have classes, the start of classes begins 9:00 AM and end generally 18:00, the length of studies for this carrer is 5 years, generally is more...

The buldings and infraestructure of the faculty are very olds, but the landscape of the university is beautiful, have many types of trees, grass, and the people is very nice !. One big problem with the buildings and infraestructure is the insufficient space for all the students, in Arauco the students don't have good computers, and not enough.

The faculty don't have advanced technology, the economic founds are not enough for have advanced technology, but the technology is enough for undergraduate.

There are many types of teaching methods, its depends of the teacher, generally your age. For example in Biometrics Carlos Corvalan use a teaching method very all, this method isn't good, The students don't  understand this method, beacuse isn't pedagogical.

In general, the study program of forestry engineering is very integrator, the subjects are very importan for our job training, and allow make grow our capacity for "learn to learn", this capacity is essential for our life.

Well dear blogger, I hope you can think about yours studies programs, and how improve it.

Bye bye.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Summer holidays.

Hi dear bloggers, today I will speak about my summer holidays. This summer I expect go to Spain, specifically Madrid. I will go to Spain because my University have a contract with The Polytechnic University of Madrid , in this contract any student of the "Universidad de Chile" can stay in The Polytechnic University of Madrid during six months or one year. My vacations will not have beach, ice cream, trekking or any other outdoor activity.
When I arrived Europe expect visit many lovely places that: the Thessaloniki science center and technology museum and a temple devoted to zeus of Greece, Italy, France, Germany and Portugal. This places are lovely, its cultures are uniques and have a tradition very special.
I will visit Spain alone, but I have family inthis country: uncle and two cousins. They live in Madrid, specifically in Leganes, This province is a good place to live, because is quiet and lovely.
I will expect work for can live in Spain, because I only have the dinner who give me the Beca Santander. A funny job is waiter, in this job I can meet many persons of any side of the world, because Spain is on the cities more cosmopolite of the world.

In this travel I hope that my mind and spirit can grow. For me travel alone is very important, I can think more quiet, and do things that I can't do normally.

Good bye dear bloggers, I hope that your experience in my blog is good.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Astronomy: study objects.

Hi dears bloggers, today I speak about a topic very special for me: the astronomy.
The astronomy is a natural science very special, because study celestial objects, and the evolution of universes and galaxies. I'm very interested in this topic, the complex universe and the causes of its origin are the solution for all of existential doubts. I started to interest in this topic when I 15 years old, I visited the chilean planetarium, in this place, the scientists teach me about the Radio-astronomy, Stellar astronomy, Galactic astronomy (types of galaxies), cosmic microwave background radiation and theoretical astronomy.
I know few things about the astronomy, but the few things that I know are very curiosly. One of this is that the 7 days of the week were created in honor to the Sun, the moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Exist four types of galaxies; spiral galaxies (the most common type of galaxie), eliptical galaxies (are relatively young) and irregular galaxies (are the most youngest). Other interesting thing about the astronomy are the black holes, a black hole is a place in space where the gravity is very strong (more strong that any place) and pull everithing, including the light. Actually the NASA is using satellites and telescopies for investigate more about this rarely phenomenon. The NASA have a hypothesis about the other side of black holes; the white holes, this hypothesis is very interesantly, because explain the dualism nature of black holes ...

Bye dears bloggers, see you later !!

                                          Black and White hole.
                                          Types of galaxies.
                                          Supernova zoom.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Postgraduate studies ??

Hi dear bloggers, today I speak about my potential postgraduate studies. Well... I'm studiyng Engineering forestry in the University of Chile, and the topics that I'm liked are basin management, mathematical modeling of the nature and unusual conduct of the plant communities.

One of the greatest universities of the world in Engineering forestry is University of Canterbury, in this university the only bad think for me is the preferential education for the topic of timber production.

I hope to study a postgraduate about philosophy of the science, specifically about the influence of the plants in the world. This topic I expect do abroad, specifically in New Zealand, Greece, Finland or Sweden, because this countries have many tradition in science and philosophy of the science. I would like to study in a blended system, because with this system I can earn money, so that I can be independent.

Doing this Postgraduate I expect learn about the conduct of the nature and how it relates with our life and the life of all living beings.

If I do or not do the postgraduate depend of my interest about others things, that mathematics, mangas, astronomy, philosophy or simply do nothing.

Well bloggers I expect that you get motivated for deepen more about your professional topics. I hope that discuss this interesting topic.

Bye dear bloggers !!!

Monday, November 14, 2016

My future job ... ?

Hi dears bloggers, today I speak about my future job. Since I 12 years old I like the mangas very much, in these the reality don´t exist, because the imagination of the mangaka don´t have limit. For this job isn´t necessary study a carrer, only have imagination, beautiful drawing,  and be constantly. I imagine do this work outdoors, in the forest, lonely and quiet, only my imagination. I don´t interested in majors or fame, only that few peoples appreciate my art and explore new worlds, worlds ethereal and amazing. I hope finish my actually carrer (forestry engineering), save money for live in a relaxing place and do mangas or comics for the rest of my life. In this job I hope travel a lot, to many unknown places, and relate this places with the histories of my mangas.
My future job is dynamic, it requires a lot of imagination, travel to many places, learn about the nature function and brain function.
In the world of mangas I admire Kentaro Miura, the mangaka of Berserk, and Yoshihiro Togashi, the mangaka of Hunter x Hunter. These geniuses mangakas are uniques, they minds have surpassed all limits of creativity.
In my manga I want create a unique world, one world that the laws of the modern physics don´t exist, a ideal world in wich the ideas and imagination come true.
The images are the manga of Berserk, in my opinion, the best anime of the history.

Good bye dears bloggers, I hope that understand this job, is one of my dreams work with my imagination.

Monday, November 7, 2016

National Parks.

Hi my dears Bloggers, today I want to talk about the National Parks. This Parks are the key of the planet health, they protect many species of Animals, plants, insects, mushrooms, and others living creatures.

I really love the Nationals Parks, I've visited many parks in my life, but my fauvorites are Alerce Andino and Federic Albert. The previously Federic Albert National Park  now Federic Albert National Reserve is a area of 1,45 km^2 located in Cauquenes Provincia, Chile, near of Chanco town, was established in the year 1981 for Federic Albert, and actually gobernated for National Forest Corporation (CONAF). National Park Alcere Andino is very special for my, because reminds me, my infance in Caburgua Lake, this Park was created in 1982, its surface is 39255 ha, and his located in the Provincia of Llanquie in the district of Puerto Montt. This nationals parks have many special species how Fitzroya cupressoides, Podocarpus nubigenus, Lophosoria cuadripinata, Weinmania trichosperma, Aextoxicum punctatum, Eucryphia cordifolia, and others species of the vegetal kingdom. The weather of this parks is very cold because is located in the south of Chile, it is characterized for be a weather oceanic cold, and are created many Microclimates because the forest density is very high.

Well dears Bloggers this is all for today, good bye !!

Monday, October 24, 2016


Hi dear bloggers, today I speak about films. The films make me very well in moments of loneliness, rejoice my day and make me think about the topics of the life. I have many favourite movies, like "Mononoke Hime", "Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi”, “Tonari no totoro”, “The life is beautiful”, “Kira”, the dark knight trilogy, “No se aceptan devoluciones”, Matrix the trilogy and other movies. I don’t have favourite actors, because I only like see and enjoy the movie, not noticing actors.
One of the most interesting films that I've seen is The Matrix, this movie is a history of fiction science directed by Lana and Lily Wachowski, the history is about a programmer (Neo) who is the choiced for liberate the world of the world fake (the matrix). This programmer its destiny to be a heroe, but he must travel a long path. One of the most importantly phrases of the Film Matrix is “Sooner or later you’re gonna realize, just like I did, there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path”. I like this movie because the viewer reflect about our freedom in this society, the limit between the real and fake and the amazing power of the mind.
Well bloggers, I hope you see these movies and reflect about their lifes.
Bye !

Monday, October 17, 2016

The best concert ever.

Hello dear bloggers :)

The last year in December 21 at Nacional Stadium it was the concert of "Pink Floyd" one of the betters bands in the history. The artist who I came to see was David Gilmour, he was the guitarist of Pink Floyd and is actually the better guitarist in the world. The atmosphere in the event was very special, every singing slowly to the rythm of the Gilmour Guitar, when singing "Time" and "Comfortable Numb" every were thrilled, it felt in the air.
I felt excited in the concert, because one of my dreams was hear David Gilmour in live, specifically the themes: "Comfortable Numb", "Sheep", "Time", "Louder than words", "On an island", "Dark side of the moon", "Shine on your Crazy Diamond", "Us and them", " The great gig in the sky", "Then I close my eyes" and "Sorrow".
I remember that when rang On an island, I felt very relaxed, this song is very quiet and always hear when I feel stressed.
Well bloggers I hope that hear some of the songs, and enjoy it.

Goodbye !!!!

Monday, October 3, 2016

A country that I would like to visit :)

Hi dear Bloggers, today I write about the country that I would like to visit.
Since I was born, I have liked the countries that have a strange geoform and many biodiversity. Actually I carry out the idea in a country, that is New Zealand. This island stay in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, and it compose of North and south island. Its islands be characterize for the vast biodiversity of the fungi, animals and plants. In relation to plants, this island have 82% of endemic vascular plants, The remaining vegetation types is compose of grasslands, and the most commonly species are the Tussock. I have few objectives was to visit other countries, learn about new cultures, know new friends, learn about the ecology of the place and get to know myself. New Zealand have every qualities that I was mentioned. This place is perfect, In a near future I would live there, with my friends, family and my favourite dog called Nala.
I only visited Brazil and EEUU, but I hope visit New Zealand in a near future.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Welcome my dears bloggers.

Hello dears bloggers, I´m José Alonso Moya Muñoz, and studying forestry engineering. The purpose of this blogg is coment some topics in the subject English B1+. I do my undergrade at "Universidad de Chile", "facultad de ciencias forestales y conservación de la naturaleza", adress Av. Santa Rosa 11315, Santiago, Chile. My hobbies are play soccer, play table tennis, see anime and documentaries, talk with strange people and enjoy with my brothers. I hope that your experience in my blogg will be good.

Be quiet and respect :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Blogging experience.

My experience doing bloggs has been heartwarming. The names of the bloggs that I have done are "My autobiography", "My expectations for a new semester", "My favourite piece of technology", "A photograph you like", "Hunter x Hunter", "My life", and "CONAF". The blogg that I liked to do is "Hunter x Hunter", because this anime reflect my childhood and the characters are dynamics and  very complex. Make bloggs help to express your ideas better way in another language, this action is the key to speak english in a good way. In the others blogs I learn about the structure of the blogs and express my feelings in few words. With respect to the blog "My life" has helped me a lot to improve my english, because it is very easy to say things in my life with the words that are most comfortable. I keep writing blogs, so I hope you keep reading my posts, because I want to share that I think and also comment to complement our thuoghts. This is my last blog this semester, thanks for everything.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


CONAF was created specifically in the twentieth century, with the first icon conservation National Reserve malleco in 1907. This corporation has established conservational awareness throughout its history, through forestry and rural conservation acts also boosts its optimum use for contribute to the economy of Chile, and improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of this country.
CONAF is a private entity under the Ministry of Agriculture, its mission is to manage forest policy chili and promote the development of the sector.
To buy land, CONAF is the first corporation in charge of supervising if you are extracting wood purchased the land, because this act is without prejudice to the conservation of native species. They give you plants to contribute to the reforestation of native species.
This entity is responsible for overseeing that no environmental damage is done on the grounds that they have power, so this corporation is very important in species biodiversity, specifically native.

My life.

My life is very quiet, you can hardly call life. From a young age my personality has been quiet, and a low profile, this has never changed and I don't think it will. Within me there are only questions I could not answer, I lead a life full of uncertainties, they create a void in my life that can not be filled. In my everyday life I want to interact with very few people and not express my true personality who does not have a bond of trust. I like to play sports and learn new things, I also like to share with people I love very much; family, friends, teachers. I think in life there are very beautiful things that must be retained throughout our existence, as it makes our life easier and fills some gaps that could be existential. The truth is I don't know what is life, but this life, the life I'm explaining is based on the concept that society has given me, so do not know if I'm alive as I write this text.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Hunter x Hunter

Hunter x Hunter is a wonderful anime of the mangaca Yoshihiro Togashi, better known as Flogashi, because is a genius very lazy. This manga and anime is piece of art, the history focuses in hunters seeking adventures in every world, including the dark continent. Its main characters are Gon, Killua, Leorio and Kurapika, there are friends and have differents life prospects. The history contains many mysteries that have not yet been deciphered, in the dark continent there are various natural phenomena that threaten humanity, but there are many minerals and plants that can save the humanity.
Until now the anime have five seasons, three made in 1999, and two in 2011. In my opinion the season of the year 1999 is better than season of 2011, because the last is extremely kawaii.
I consider that Hunter x Hunter is the best anime history, because have action, complex history, dynamic characters, unexpected events and an inexplicable essence that always makes me want to see.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A photograph you like

In my life I have not very much photographies, so that no was difficult chosen. This photograph is a symbol of my frienship with my friends of the preuniversitario and was taken in February, 2015. My friend Mitzy was taken the photo, she is a very good friend and I have trustfulness with her. The day of photo we were to Bellavista, this day also we went to Hill  San Cristobal and smoked weed every day (8), this event was awesome. In this photo appear Mitzy Bustamante, Patricio (the child), Andrés Galaz, Sebastian, and me José Moya. The bar where we were is called "Harvard ", this bar is very elegant and is characterized for be a place very quiet. This day Patricio danced with girls on the table, every look them, I and Andrés we accompany to dance because we are very good friends, this event was very funny. This photo reflect a nice day.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

My favourite piece of technology.

My favourite piece of technology is the bycicle. With it I can go to many differents places and the same time I make sports and enjoy with my friends. The bycicle binds many people, is a special conveyance that doesn`t pollute, and has a enormous effect on society in many countries of the world. This piece of tecnology is very special for me, because I`m very happy when I used, my spirit is free and I feel like without borders. My life without my super bike would be very bored, because I wouldn´t go to far away places, my physical condition would be very bad and I can´t make descents in  the Panul with friends. I wish that bike be more used in every world, because this conveyance not pullet the enviroment and serve like a complementary excersice.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

My expectations for a new semester.

In this semester I have 7 signatures and they are: english level B1, statictis, growing of trees, products and services of the forest, estructure and operation of the ecosystems, Mathematica II and workshop of innovation.
The extracurriculars I am taking are Football soccer in the selection of the faculty and work with a theacher specialits in soils of Chile. Outside of the University I make physical conditioning and I participe in a proyect about wastwater.
My expectations for this new semester are learn much about soils, improve in my frienships, get better in the events of sport, learn make proyects of bioengineering and travel to Archipelago de Juan Fernandez because the species in there islands are awesone and unics. The principal of I hope that semester is learn from my mistakes.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

My autobiography.

My name is José Alonso Moya Muñoz I was born in 1995 and live in La Florida, Santiago of Chile. I like playing soccer with my friends, playing table tennis, enjoy the nature wonders, look the stars at night in company, give gife to my friends by surpise and other things. My favorite band is Pink Floyd but Led Zeppelin is awesome and I also like very much. I study forestry engineering at university of Chile located in La Pintana. My nickname is Pepe, but my friends of school call me Abogao. I grew up in Ñuñoa especifically in Villa Olimpica. I live with my mother, father, younger sister, younger brother and dog called Nala.